Our mission is simple…to assist shelters and rescue groups in saving the lives of animals by providing them with free food and other needed supplies.

Whether you are a manfacturer, distributor or retailer with product nearing the "best buy" date, or packaging with minor defects, or product that is being rebranded, we can help to conveniently and efficiently dispose of unsalable or excess food and treats all while reducing expensive inventory and freeing up valuable warehouse space..
Why Choose 4 Paws
For Your Donations?
Allows manufacturers, distribuors or retailers to benefit from donating food without using your employees’ time.
We offer free/low cost product pick-up from your location, we have complete product tracking and recall capabilities and we can enhance your public image and give you a local presence.
We can help you save in storage and inventory, transportation and dumping costs.

4 Paws is run entirely by volunteers and we can always use more hands. If you are interested in helping, please call or email.

If you are a boy scout or girl scout troop looking to host a pet food drive, or a large corporation or business who would be interested in holding a donation drive, please contact us at: